Liliana Flores
age 10
What makes me Brave and Strong?
That I stand up for what I believe on and I’m fighting to be a better person so one day I can be the best lawyer ever and help people.
What do you like about Proyecto Mariposas?
EVERYTHING!!! That I’m learning a lot of things, I’m learning to be brave and strong, that I’m unique and that I can make a change in the world.
What do you like about Columbus?
The mall!!! Lol… I love that there is always something new to try and experience. I really, really love the parks also.
Who or What inspires you?
My mommy because she is always fighting for what she wants and she never gives up on anything she tries and works hard to make sure everything’s works for us (my family) and she pushes me to try things and become a better person.
How can girls become brave stronger when faced with challenges? (bullying, friends, school, anxiety)
Talking to adults about the situation and stand up for what we believe on. Not to be afraid to speak up and defend ourselves, because we are stronger than what we think! We are valuable people!!!

Makayla Golsby Ramos
age 11
What makes me Brave and Strong?
I am brave because I stand up for people and my friends. I use to face my fears at school. They use to bully me, but now I go to a new school. If you are getting bullied I am here for you. Don’t let them bring you down and always speak up. Never keep it inside. I am strong because I can go through things that are hard. I am confident in myself and I believe in myself and others.
What I like about Proyecto Mariposas?
They are like family. They teach me how to be brave and strong. Proyecto Mariposas is fun. They teach me how to be positive, not to be alone and speak up
Things I like about Columbus?
My family and friends. I love it because I am with some of my family. They have been here since the goods and bads.
Who or what inspires you?
My grandma and my friends (Angie)
How can girls become braver and stronger?
Just keep on going. Don’t let the haters bring you down. Be confident in yourself and help others if they are going through bullying.